荣誉项目 in Health Care Administration


Our honors program recognizes high-achieving Health Care Administration majors 和 supports them in their pursuit of meaningful research.

Rewarding Achievement While Cultivating Discovery

The Departmental 荣誉项目 for Health Care Administration (HCA) is designed to:

  • recognize HCA majors with a proven record of achievement
  • encourage the development of their research 和一个alytical skills
  • challenge them to discover 和 study topics of special interest in health care administration



After accumulating at least 60 credit hours toward your degree (at least 24 from Rhode Isl和 College), 你可以申请入学. No student may be admitted with fewer than 30 credits remaining in their program. 你可以提交一份申请 荣誉申请表格 和一个 荣誉项目建议书 to the Health Care Administration program liaison or the director of the program.


  • You must be enrolled as a health care administration major.
  • 你至少得3分.50 GPA in all major 和 core courses taken prior to admission to the program.
  • 你至少得3分.25 GPA in all courses taken prior to admission to the Departmental 荣誉项目 (including transfer credits).
  • 你必须提交一份 荣誉申请表格, including all transcripts from institutions of higher education, a letter of recommendation from a current faculty member 和 your research proposal. (请利用这个 你的提案封面.)
  • Your proposal must be approved by the Honors Committee.
  • You must receive a letter of acceptance from the Honors Committee.


  1. You must maintain a B- or better in all major 和 core courses taken while a member of the 荣誉项目.
  2. You must maintain a C- or better in all other courses taken while a member of the honors program.
  3. You must maintain an overall GPA of 3.25 or better 和 a GPA in the major of 3.50或以上.
  4. You must submit current transcripts to 这把椅子 of the Honors Committee each semester while you are a member of the Departmental 荣誉项目, with all major/core courses highlighted.
  5. You must complete an honors project while enrolled in two successive 400-level independent study courses: HCA 491 和 492. 在HCA 491, you will select a research topic, 和, under the mentorship of a faculty advisor, you will conduct comprehensive research on a selected 和 approved topic. HCA 492 may be the continuation of your topic or a different research study.
  6. Honors projects must be completed by April 1 of the year of your graduation in the case of spring graduation or by November 1 of the year prior to your graduation in the case of winter graduation. Your completed projects must be presented to the members of the Honors Committee.
  7. You must achieve an evaluation of satisfactory by the Honors Committee members. Evaluation of your project is based on criteria set prior to project production 和 dependent on the type of research conducted.
    • In the case of an unsatisfactory evaluation, the committee may suggest revisions, 哪一个, 如果及时完成, may result in a satisfactory evaluation.
    • You may appeal an unsatisfactory evaluation to the Honors Committee, 部门谘询委员会, 这把椅子, 院长, the vice president for academic affairs 和 the president (in this order), but you must accompany such appeals with substantiating evidence of an incorrect or unfair evaluation.

For more information, please contact Assistant Professor Sankeerth Rampa at srampa@8011886.com.



Health Care Administration Program

Twenty-three percent of new jobs created in Rhode Isl和 are expected to be in health care. We help prepare you for management careers in health care.